Friday, April 17, 2015

Smoking is BAD... DUH!

Hello people,


For the past decades smoking tobacco has been shown to cause bodily harm not just to adults, but to children as well!  Do you have kids?  Do you care about them at all?  Then you wouldn't smoke.

If people aren't allowed to drink alcohol and drive, or even text and drive for that matter people should not be allowed to smoke tobacco/nicotine products.

If people aren't allowed to drink in public they shouldn't be allowed to smoke in public either.  It's just common decency.

Do you want smelly breath?  Rotten teeth?  Cancer???!!!! Do you want your children to have addiction problems, or any problems in general?

I mean come on AMERICA!!

Are we still just that ignorant?????

Plus it's a DRUG!! AND DRUGS are ILLEGAL, but apparently not this one.  I mean does anyone else see the totally hypocrisy not mention insanity in this?